The hand foot and mouth went away and the girls managed to make it through without catching it. Connor is no worse for the wear and life is good once again.
Here are a few little tidbits about what has been going on lately.
First of all, we had a fish. Notice I did not say "we got a fish and he is enjoying life in his new home". Nope. I said, We HAD a fish. His name was Red Fin and he was a lovely little fellow. He lasted nearly 3 weeks at our house. But sadly he met his demise. I'm afraid his little fighting spirit was no match for my 3 year old and what I suspect was a toothpaste and soap combo floating in his bowl. Rest in peace Red Fin. Rest in Peace.
I've been enjoying life as a stay at home mom, but at times long for the working world. It's a tricky situation, this mom thing. When I was at work, all I wanted was to be home with my kids. Now that I am home with my kids, I long for a day or two of adult interaction. I wonder if all moms feel this way? Since I am a stay at home mom because of circumstance and not really choice (although if I had all the money in the world, it is a choice I would make everytime), I have been looking for jobs here and there (hey a girls got to have health insurance ya know). Today I got a call for a job that just might be the perfect thing. 20 hrs a week, I can work from home AND it has benefits. Woo hoo! I hope it's all it's cracked up to be. I'll keep you all updated.
Now lets see...what have my little chicklets been up to lately. Of course there was the fish incident. Oh, we have started the girls on food. Yep, real honest to goodness food. They have had rice cereal (Emma loves, Briar tolerates) and Avocado (Briar Loves, Emma, um, not so much).
The girls are way more interactive lately. But there are a few things that are just different when you have twins. You know that game that you play with babies? The one where you hold your baby in front of mirror and then in your most excitable voice ask "who's that baby" over and over.
Yeah, you know the one.
Well, the other day I thought, "Gosh, we haven't played the baby in the mirror game. I think I'll try it". So over to the mirror I go. Hold Emma in front of it, and in a high pitched, excited voice I ask "Who's that baby".
No response.
-K, must not be excited enough. "Who's that little bah-beee? Huh? Who iiissss that wittle tiny bah-beeeeeee in da mirror?" (yep that's what I sounded like).
The response was my 5 month old looking at me like I had just smoked a bunch of crack. Seriously? This game was supposed to amuse her? Why would she possibly care about the baby in the mirror when she can look at another baby all day? So, no more mirror game for them.
Let's see, what else....... last week, Connor started t-ball. He's just about the cutest thing ever:
Alrighty, kids are all waking up from naps, so looks like breaktime is over - they're slave drivers, I tell ya (lol).
Till next time.....