Things in the Wilson house have been crazy busy as you can imagine life would be with a 3 year old and twin infant girls.
Connor is doing fabulous! He is learning a ton at preschool and recently started riding a "big kid bike" with training wheels instead of his tricycle. He talks non-stop and is the best helper when it comes to his sisters.
The girls are growing like weeds. Briar weighs a whopping 11 lbs and Emma weighs 10. I have officially stopped nursing. I was hanging on to the middle of the night nursing with Emma, but she naturally gave that up, so we are done. I am a little sad to see it end, but happy to have that time back. (oh and being able to drink wine is a bonus too!)
Briar had her heart appointment and it appears all is well. The hole/flap that was worrisome has closed up and she is now just left with 2 tiny holes between 2 of her chambers. These aren't a big deal according to her heart doctor, so we will just need to have yearly check ups for her - woo hoo!
The girls have started laughing and smiling...which we love. However, they will not nap...which we do not love. I've been working with them to get them to nap someplace other than in my arms, but it's a struggle and I am at my wits end.
I go back to work next week. I know, I know...some of you thought I wouldn't go back, and there was a time I wasn't sure that I would have a job to go back to. However, my boss agreed to let me go back part time, so I will be in the office just 2 days a week. I think this might be a good balance and at the very least will help the girls transition to child care.
Bobby and I are getting into a routine. I'm not saying life is easy, but it's getting easier...we actually ate dinner...together...the other night. It was awesome. Every now and then we have moments that give us a glimpse into what our life used to be like pre-twins, and it makes us hopeful that as time goes by, things will get easier and we will get some of our time back to do things other than feed, rock, change diapers, etc. We are loving our new family, don't get me wrong...but 2 babies are all consuming. It seems like anytime anyone comes to my house, they hightail it out of here when their visit is over. Yes, twins are harder than everyone thought they would be...but I wouldn't have it any other way :-)
I promise to update this blog more regularly, and might even try to be witty with my writing now and then :-)
Till next time....
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